
  • A Plurality of Voices

    A Plurality of Voices

    Our monthly Alumni/ae Tuesday Guest Post series on the VDS Voices blog highlights posts written by VDS and GDR alumni/ae. Hear firsthand about their important work in the community, collaborations with other alumni/ae and faculty, and much more. Be sure to also check out the Divinity School Instagram feed every Tuesday… Read More

    Jan. 12, 2016

  • Facing Race

    Facing Race

    RACE “… runners take your mark; get set…” CaPow! Left.     Right.   Left, right, left, right, left… The FINISH LINE was in sight running… (right, left, right, left…) giving my all running… (right, left, right…) with all my might running… (left, right…) I KNEW I could win… Read More

    Nov. 26, 2014