
  • Welcome from Luther Young, MDiv’2

    Welcome from Luther Young, MDiv’2

    Each year, VDS invites returning students to offer words of advice to the incoming class. We hope these stories and lived wisdom will help you navigate your own path at Vanderbilt! You have made the decision to embark upon an exciting and challenging journey through theological discourse and spiritual… Read More

    Aug. 31, 2016

  • Alumni/ae Tuesday – Kenneth Young, MDiv’90

    Alumni/ae Tuesday – Kenneth Young, MDiv’90

    Our monthly Alumni/ae Tuesday Guest Post series on the VDS Voices blog highlights posts written by VDS and GDR alumni/ae. Hear firsthand about their important work in the community, collaborations with other alumni/ae and faculty, and much more. Be sure to also check out the Divinity School Instagram feed every Tuesday… Read More

    Mar. 8, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    READ THIS BOOK – August 2015

    Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our August recommendation is offered by Stacey Floyd-Thomas, Associate Professor of Ethics and Society.         Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and… Read More

    Aug. 16, 2015

  • International Interfaith Delegation to El Salvador Part 3

    International Interfaith Delegation to El Salvador Part 3

    This March four students took part in the first ever International Interfaith Delegation to El Salvador in support of LGBTQI activist and people of faith, and attended the inaugural Festival de Fe in San Salvador (this trip/event coincided with the annual recognition of the martyrdom of Monsignor Oscar Romero.  The… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2014