VDS Student News 12.3.14

By Jonathan S. Radford

Reginald Wayne Sharpe, Jr., MDiv2, was ordained on November 5, 2014, by the Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia, under the leadership of his pastor, Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr.

Reggie, as friends and family call him, was graduated in 2013 from Morehouse College where he studied religion and philosophy.

Reginald’s favorite poem is titled “I’d Rather See a Sermon” by Edgar Guest. In the fifth and sixth couplets, the speaker says, “And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true, But I’d rather get my lesson by observing what you do. For I may misunderstand you and the high advice you give, But there is no misunderstanding, how you act and how you live.”


If you are a student and you have been recognized or received honors (ordination, scholarship, fellowship) by an organization, please let us know at VDS Social Media so we can highlight your accomplishments.


Photo by Bretta Rucker Morton, taken on 11.2.2014 at Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church (Facebook)



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