Bobby Smiley is the Director of the Divinity Library at Vanderbilt University. At Vanderbilt, Bobby liaises with the Divinity School and Graduate Department of Religion, engages in outreach and capacity building for library and digital humanities initiatives, works with campus partners to coordinate training and library instruction for courses in religion and theology, and digital humanities workshops, helps build the library’s collection of humanities data, as well as collaborates with peers in the library and across the university to work on grant funded digital projects.
His research interests include methods and history in digital humanities, disciplinary information literacy, tracking historiographical trends in American religious history, the institutional production of knowledge and disciplinarity, and exploring how digital humanities and academic librarianship can be usefully conjoined. Bobby is currently working on a dissertation historicizing the relationship between libraries and digital humanities for a Ph.D. in Digital Humanities from the School of Advanced Study at the University of London.