Resources for Teaching and Advising
- Course Projections
- Concentration Descriptions
- Advising FAQs
- Syllabi Compliance
- BrightSpace
- YES - Your Enrollment Services
- Prompts For Advising Sessions
- VU Policy for AI
- Academic Integrity and Generative AI Website
After logging in to YES, you can search for all courses (i.e. divinity), for a particular course (i.e. DIV 2503), or for all courses taught by an instructor (with the advanced search, searching by last name). Faculty, please note that YES displays the course information specific to the course designation, so the online grading tool is the best way to see your complete class roll if a course is cross-listed.
Divinity/GDR Email Lists
- Faculty: |
- Faculty/staff:
- Faculty Emeritus:
- Staff:
- Divinity Students:
- D.Min Students:
- GDR Students:
- GDR Faculty and Student lists by Area of Study: Ethics and Society, Hebrew Bible, History, HACTOR, Homiletics and Liturgics, Jewish Studies, New Testament, Religion, Psychology and Culture, Theology
Faculty/Staff Resources
- 2023-2024 Committees/Dates/Meeting Times
- Alternative Work Arrangements Policy
- Bereavement Support Policy
- Digital Displays Policy
- Divinity Room Listing and Capacity
- Divinity School Room Calendars and Reservations
- Divinity School Room Reservations
- Facilities Usage Policy
- Facilities Work Order Request
- Food Waste Policy
- Listserv Moderation Policy
- Pre-authorization Travel Form
- Request AV and IT Support Call: 615-343-9999
- Social Media Policy
- Student Accountability Procedures
- Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy
- VDS Community Announcement Form
- SLATE: Graduate Program Online Applications
Finance Forms
Guided Assistance
- Creating an Expense Report
- Alcohol Itemization Template- To assist with itemizing alcohol amount from a larger purchase.
Request Forms
- Student Worker Request Form -To request a student be hired for on-campus work.
- Travel Pre-Authorization Form
Tips to Review Often
Useful Policies
Student Government Association
Divinity Academic Forms and Resources
- DMin Final Project Rubric
- MDiv Thesis/Project Rubric
- MTS Thesis/Project Rubric
- ThM Thesis Rubric
- MTS Thesis Guidelines
- MTS/M.Ed. Concentration Plan of Study
- MTS General Plan of Study
- M.Div. Program Requirements
- MTS/M.Ed. General Plan of Study
- Declaration for Master of Theology Area of Study
- MTS Concentration Plan of Study
- Master of Divinity/M.Ed. Program Plan of Study
- Divinity Commitments (abbreviated)
- Advising Prompts for Entering Students
- Declaration of Concentration form
- Petition to Register for the MTS Thesis
- Honor Constitution
- Inclusive Language Guidelines
- Petition for Waiver of Foundation Course
- Petition for Readings Course
- Petition for Degree Program Change
- Petition for Leave of Absence
- Learning Goals (All Degrees)
- Leave of Absence FAQs
- VDS - Sewanee School of Theology Partnership FAQs