KMSI Faculty

Victor Anderson
Professor of Christian Ethics
Professor of African American Studies
Professor of Religious Studies
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Michael Eric Dyson
Centennial Chair and University Distinguished Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies in the College of Arts and Science University Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Forrest Harris
Assistant Professor in the Practice of Ministry
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Juan Floyd-Thomas
Associate Professor of African American Religious History
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Stacey Floyd-Thomas
Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair in Ethics and Society
Associate Professor of Ethics and Society
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Herbert Marbury
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Phillis I. Sheppard
Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Associate Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN

Lisa Thompson
Associate Professor and the Cornelius Vanderbilt Chancellor Faculty Fellow of Black Homiletics and Liturgics
Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN