Imagination Grant

  • Reconciling Peace

    Reconciling Peace

    A Metadiscourse on Remembering Religion and the Troubles in Belfast By: Stephanie Downing, MTS2 “Ireland, the continual past.”[1] This stage direction sets the stage for Northern Irish playwright Stewart Parker’s masterpiece Northern Star. There is perhaps no better setting for a play written in 1984 about the… Read More

    Aug. 3, 2016

  • Imagination Grant – the Appalachian region

    Imagination Grant – the Appalachian region

    The Imagination Grant seek to advance global learning, theolog­ical reflection, and leadership skills and support creative, non-credit bearing projects proposed by students.  The funds can be used to cover travel and expenses for global immersion experiences, and are typically utilized during summers. As 2015 eased its way… Read More

    Oct. 14, 2015

  • Imagination Grant: Community Engagement and Religion in Yaxhachen, Yucatán, Mexico

    Imagination Grant: Community Engagement and Religion in Yaxhachen, Yucatán, Mexico

    The Imagination Grant seek to advance global learning, theolog­ical reflection, and leadership skills and support creative, non-credit bearing projects proposed by students.  The funds can be used to cover travel and expenses for global immersion experiences, and are typically utilized during summers. by Chelsey Overstreet Hedglin, 2nd Year… Read More

    Oct. 7, 2015

  • Feature: Marriah Vinson MDiv3

    Feature: Marriah Vinson MDiv3

    In 2009, Vanderbilt Divinity School received a commitment of $5,000 per year for five years to provide opportunities for students to engage in learning and experiences to enhance global understanding. Small focused awards are made on an annual basis to students who, through proposals submitted to the Academic… Read More

    Oct. 23, 2013

  • VDS Events: Monday Forum

    VDS Events: Monday Forum

    by Amy E. Steele, Assistant Dean for Student Life In the common life of the Vanderbilt Divinity School community, there are three standing events that occur each week: the Monday Forum, the Wednesday Community Worship Service, and the Friday Coffee Hour.  Each event… Read More

    Oct. 6, 2013