
  • Refusing to be Comforted

    Refusing to be Comforted

    By Teresa Kim Pecinovsky, MDiv Candidate (Originally published in Theology of Ferguson December 27, 2014) A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, for they are no more. —Matthew 2:18 “I want… Read More

    Mar. 4, 2015

  • Woman to Woman

    Woman to Woman

    Originally posted on Scarritt Bennett blog on December 12, 2014 (https://www.scarrittbennett.org/about/blog/)     By Chandra Allen, MDiv ’09 Today, I’m excited to share about one of our programs for women: Woman to Woman. It is one of the most exciting components of my work at the Scarritt Bennett Center. Read More

    Feb. 25, 2015

  • In-forming Communities of Healing

    In-forming Communities of Healing

    by Marcia Mount Shoop, MDiv’96 Surviving sexualized violence resonates with surviving violence of many kinds—especially violence that is personalized, violence that penetrates our flesh, our self-understanding, and our ability to connect with the world around us. Survival skills are idiosyncratic, and they are often wise in ways we can… Read More

    Feb. 11, 2015

  • Authorial Intentions

    Authorial Intentions

    By Chris Benda, Theological Librarian Authorial Intentions, the Divinity and Graduate Department of Religion faculty interview podcast, turns 5 this year. Thanks to faculty participation, we have 25 podcasts archived. The podcasts give faculty an opportunity to talk about recent publications – typically,… Read More

    Jan. 21, 2015

  • Alumni/ae Tuesday: Honoring the Life of Design

    Alumni/ae Tuesday: Honoring the Life of Design

    Our monthly Alumni/ae Tuesday Guest Post series on the VDS Voices blog highlights posts written by VDS and GDR alumni/ae. Hear firsthand about their important work in the community, collaborations with other alumni/ae and faculty, and much more. Be sure to also check out the Divinity School Instagram feed every Tuesday… Read More

    Jan. 20, 2015

  • “We’ve got a problem.”

    “We’ve got a problem.”

    by Graham Reside, Executive Director, Cal Turner Program in Moral Leadership in the Professions I’m a middle-aged white guy, who grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada.  The son of a minister, I went to church every Sunday, and I’ve heard a lot of sermons in… Read More

    Dec. 31, 2014

  • VDS Feature: ‘Tis the Season, . . . Hallelujah!

    VDS Feature: ‘Tis the Season, . . . Hallelujah!

    Originally posted on December 25, 2013. I am sure I will awaken on this sacred day in awe of God’s glory in humanity through Christ.  As I contemplate my unfolding re-awakening through our Advent celebrations, my awe expands in my hopeful but inadequate spirit.  For many of… Read More

    Dec. 24, 2014

  • Ferguson and Minjung Theology:  Intersectionality, Solidarity, and Protest

    Ferguson and Minjung Theology: Intersectionality, Solidarity, and Protest

            by Teresa Kim Pecinovsky, MDiv2 Soon afterwards he went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him.  As he approached the gate of the town, a man who had died was being carried out.  He was his… Read More

    Dec. 17, 2014

  • “A Conversion to the Neighbor”

    “A Conversion to the Neighbor”

    by Gabe Horton, MDiv3 A 1970s Aboriginal activist group once issued this challenge to well-intentioned white Australians seeking to help: If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together. Read More

    Dec. 10, 2014

  • Facing Race

    Facing Race

    RACE “… runners take your mark; get set…” CaPow! Left.     Right.   Left, right, left, right, left… The FINISH LINE was in sight running… (right, left, right, left…) giving my all running… (right, left, right…) with all my might running… (left, right…) I KNEW I could win… Read More

    Nov. 26, 2014