Roberta Bondi

March 11 & 12, 2014

March 11th: “Theology and the Most Intimate Heart: Readings in Poetry and Memoir”

In conjunction with Dr. Perkins’ class “Creativity: A Theological Engagement,” Bondi will read and comment on selections from her autobiographical writings as well as a yet to be published volume of poetry.  She will speak to the idea of creative scholarship and recount her personal narrative of finding her place in relationship to Christianity and the academy.

March 12th:“Imagine the World is a Circle: Dorotheus of Gaza on God, Neighbor and Self”

In conjunction with Dr. Michelson’s seminar on “Desert Spirituality,” Prof. Bondi will discuss her book To Pray and to Love and also the writings of Dorotheos of Gaza and Theodoret of Cyrrhus. She will discuss how these ancient monastic texts can still speak to the act of loving God and neighbor as self as well as the role of humility and pride in interpersonal relations.

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