Vanderbilt Divinity School

Dean Yolanda Pierce

The image includes Event Information as well as images of the panelists.

The Transformative Global Leadership Conference

The Transformative Global Leadership Conference is presented by Africa University, American Baptist College, Kelly Miller Smith Institute on Black Church Studies at Vanderbilt University, and Scarritt Bennett Center. The hybrid format will be hosted in-person on the historic campus of Scarritt Bennett Center Thursday, September 5 - Saturday, September 7, 2024, and through a virtual platform.

Centered on the theme, “The Cross of The Diaspora: Shouldering the Charge to Lead in Faith and Justice,” it is curated for Christian leaders, cultural critics, justice advocates, students, and everyday people of faith within the African diaspora. Attendees will learn from speakers and engage in sessions that explore challenges across culture, faith, and justice, and leave empowered to activate solutions for our local and global communities.

To register, visit:

For additional information about the conference, visit:

For questions and additional information, e-mail


The image includes Event Information as well as images of the panelists.

The Power of Extravagant Tenderness with Father Greg Boyle

The Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership and The School for Contemplative Living present "The Power of Extravagant Tenderness with Father Greg Boyle."

Father Boyle is the Founder and Director of Homeboy Industries, the world’s largest gang intervention and rehabilitation program; author of Tattoos on the Heart and The Whole Language.
Join us for a one-day workshop from 9am-3pm both online and in person on Saturday, August 17th. Students tickets are free and all are welcomed.
Get tickets here.

The image includes Event Information as well as images of the panelists.

Distinguished Alumni/ae Award Nominations

We are now accepting nominations for the 2024 Distinguished Alumni/ae Award! 

Make your nominations here

The deadline is September 1st, 2024. 

The image includes Event Information as well as images of the panelists.

Remembering Rev. James M. Lawson Jr.

Dear Friends of the James Lawson Institute,

The grief occasioned by Rev. James Lawson’s death is, to so many, seismic. In a world where violence is raging globally, we already feel the loss of his wisdom acutely. His voice was a primary force in the nonviolent movement and was an architect of its development in the United States.

You are now ancestor, Elder. We will not forget your courage. We will find our own.

Deeply appreciated for his mentoring, generous sharing of his time, and his courageous example, he will be missed by a multigenerational community of nonviolent social changemakers. His voice has been a catalyst for multiple and intersecting movements across the country and globe for the past 65 years. He realized that racial justice was also a fight for labor rights, gender, and sexual equality.

You dedicated your life to the pursuit of justice and human dignity for all

and laid a clear path for us to follow.

When Vanderbilt University launched the James Lawson Institute in 2022, Rev. Lawson said that the JLI would be a part of the “kind of social change—personal and social transformation” that would save the world. Standing at the podium, he proclaimed that, “we do no ordinary thing here. We are not engaged in something that we can see, but the possibilities are infinite.”

You made visionaries of us all, and saw the world that could be,

compelling us to neither ignore nor be limited by any present moment.

Rev. Lawson knew that the road to a justice-loving society is a long one, requiring a lifetime of commitment, and hearts overflowing with transformative love. These, “if our behavior is true,” will “sow the seeds for the consequences that will bear the fruits of righteousness and hope and peace. . . And make it possible for every boy, every girl, every man, woman . . .to achieve the full status of their humanity. Nothing less than that is the fight that we have.” (Rev. Lawson, In Love and Solidarity)

You showed us that when justice rolls down, and it will,

it will be catalyzed by a love moving across generations

and knowing no fear.

After decades of living into in his call to pursue justice, he was still committed to the path, and those of us who remain, must continue it. Rev. Lawson declared “we are to change the world.”

Your life speaks even now and asks:

How shall we change the world?

With whom will we travel?

Friends, join us as we live into Rev. Lawson’s legacy by continuing the necessary and good work to change the world.

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