VDS Voices
READ THIS BOOK! September 2014
Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our September recommendation is offered by Paul Lim, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Affiliate Professor, Department of History. This summer past was… Read MoreSep. 14, 2014
Friday Photo 9.12.14
VDS presents a night of dancing to raise awareness and support for Asociacion Colectivo Alejandria and Trans Women in El Salvador. This event is free and open to the public. Please sign-up online for 0-5 hours, and bring your sponsored money to the event, there will be an official registration at… Read MoreSep. 12, 2014
A Reason for this Season
“The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.” —James Baldwin As a first-year master of divinity student, I entered Vanderbilt University ready to study and participate in the transformation of a world, which I… Read MoreSep. 10, 2014
A Blank Paige
Paige Wetzel, re-located New Englander, lover of elephants by Paige Wetzel, 2nd year MTS candidate Blank. I wouldn’t say I came to VDS open-minded, just blank. When I began my studies last year, I had few expectations and even fewer ideas about what my time here… Read MoreSep. 3, 2014
VDS Friday Photo
Rev. Becca Stevens, MDiv’90 and 2014 Divinity School Distinguished Alumni/ae Award recipient, delivered her sermon titled “The Laborers are Few!” this past Wednesday during Community Worship. Pictured: Andrew Suitter, MDiv3, Rev. Stevens, and Dean Amy Steele… Read MoreAug. 29, 2014
Icons and Imagination
In this assignment, VDS students reflect on their encounter with various Christian traditions. Our goal is not just passive knowledge but for students to add their own voices to the many interpretations of Christianity. Given the diversity of the VDS community, our voices speak from a variety of perspectives. Nevertheless, we… Read MoreAug. 27, 2014
VDS Friday Photo 8.22.14
Rev. Marcia Mount Shoop, PhD spent a few days on campus this week encouraging us to engage theological ideas and practices to address sexual and power-based personal violence. We look forward to her return in November! Lyndsey Godwin, Asst. Dir, Carpenter program and Dr. Marcia Mount Sho… Read MoreAug. 22, 2014
Stop. Breathe. Relax.
VDS students Summer 2014 This week, we share words of advice prepared by second year MDiv, James W. Dennis III, for our first year students. Stop. Breathe. Relax. The hardest part of your transition to Vanderbilt Divinity School is over! You are finally here!! Congratulations!! However, don’t celebrate too… Read MoreAug. 20, 2014
VDS Maymester – South Africa trip
L to R: Dr. Graham Reside and Dr. Victor Anderson During Maymester, Professor Victor Anderson and I traveled with thirteen students to South Africa as part of a course studying collective violence. We were a mixed group: black, white, Asian; gay, straight; old and young. We came from different… Read MoreAug. 13, 2014
READ THIS BOOK August 2014
Each month, we ask a member of the Vanderbilt Divinity School faculty to recommend a book they are currently reading. Our August recommendation is offered by Bonnie Miller-McLemore, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture. “Not a Snazzy Title… Read MoreAug. 10, 2014